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What you get with AidKit+

If you choose to upgrade, you will get all of the features in the free membership plan plus...
AI SEO Text Generator
Help people imagine how helpful this will be.
Schema Markup Builder With
Help people imagine how helpful this will be.
Plan bene
Help people imagine how helpful this will be.
Plan benefit here
Help people imagine how helpful this will be.
Plan benefit here
Help people imagine how helpful this will be.
Plan benefit here
Help people imagine how helpful this will be.
Plan benefit here
Help people imagine how helpful this will be.

Pick a Plan

Choose your preferred "Pro Access" plan below
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Are you a Webflow Certfied Partner?

Aidkit has a feature exclusively available to Partners.
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Full Dashboard Coming Soon🔒

Hi, thank you for creating an account. This account now has access to all features. Just reopen the extension popup and log in one time, then you’ll be set and receive all future features for members.

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